Tawd Valley Developments Eskbank new homes


1 bed flats | 2 and 3 bed homes

Skelmersdale Housing


Providing valuable local accommodation

Tawd Valley Developments (TVD) has secured consent for 50 new homes on Fairlie in the Ashurst and Birch Green neighbourhoods of Skelmersdale. The scheme will develop land previously used as a playing field for the former Fairlie Primary School.


50 new homes

The £8.3m development will be the company’s largest scheme to date and will include 30 two storey houses, 8 bungalows and 12 apartments.


Context and design

The scheme is designed by Liverpool-based John McCall Architects advised by ARP Associates as engineers.

The development will be of the same quality as our recently completed Eskbank scheme, but with a wider range of housing types to meet the differing needs of local people.



• Work starts in Spring 2022
• Building works to the whole site due to complete in May 2024.


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