Tawd Valley Header 24 Brierfield


1 bed flats | 2 and 3 bed town homes

Skelmersdale Housing


A site close to amenities

Our housing development at Brierfield is located in the Moorside Ward of Skelmersdale, West Lancashire. This site is located to the south west of Hope High School and comprised an undeveloped open grassed area prior to the development.


17 new homes

The proposed scheme is made up of 17 affordable new homes for West Lancashire Borough Council, comprising 6 x 1-bed flats, 2 x 2-bed flats, 3 x 2-bed houses and 6 x 3-bed houses with associated private and communal parking for residents. 



The site will benefit from a new mews-style street off the existing Brierfield estate. The mews street will provide pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access to the site along with the use of Brierfield.



• Work started in December 2020
• Building work completed in two phases: December 2021 and February 2022

On completion at Brierfield we took the opportunity to celebrate our strength in partnership and commitment to developing skills by officially opening the scheme with Cabinet Members of West Lancashire Borough Council; Councillor Yvonne Gagen and Jenny Wilkie, together with Whitfield and Brown’s Zoe Brooke, Nigel Welch and Charlotte a West Lancs College student on work placement. Danielle Ashworth and Mark Kitts of TVD are also pictured.

Tawd Valley Developments

The buildings within this scheme have been carefully designed to respond to their immediate context.

 Apartment residents will also share an attractive private communal garden. 

The new block of apartments has been kept to two storeys in order to reflect the surrounding levels of the existing terraced properties and to avoid an imposing nature given the elevated location of the block within the site. 

The Affordable Rent properties are owned and managed by West Lancashire Borough Council.


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